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5 Best Practices to Boost Your Sales Strategy With Data

Best practices to boost your sales strategy with data blog post by datapine

Sales have always been considered an intuition-driven profession where sales reps intuitively approach and engage best-fit prospects. While this approach might have worked in the past, it can’t guarantee sales success in today’s hyper-competitive world.

No wonder, 61% of salespeople consider their job role more challenging than it was five years ago.

So, how can you approach the sales process to attain the best outcomes effortlessly?


Explore The Power & Potential Of Professional Social Media Dashboards

Social media dashboards by datapine

Gathering data and information from one or multiple platforms and creating a comprehensive social media dashboard is equally important as creating the social content itself. Social media has become one of the most important channels to engage with potential audiences, and that’s not a surprise considering the power and potential of creating content to attract people, target the exact audience you need, and deliver value to your bottom line. Likes, comments, shares, reach, CTR, and conversions – all have become extremely significant to optimize and manage regularly in order to grow in our competitive digital environment.

You need to know how the audience responds, whether you need further adjustments, and how to gather accurate, real-time data. Here we will present a social media dashboard definition, a guide on how to create one, and finalize with social media dashboard templates at the end of the article.


Obtain Business Development With Data Intelligence Tools & Technologies

Data intelligence - everything you should know

At present, 53% of businesses are in the process of adopting big data analytics as part of their core strategy – and it’s no coincidence.

To win on today’s information-rich digital battlefield, turning insight into action is a must, and online data analysis tools are the very vessel for doing so. The world’s inherent rise in digital transformation coupled with today’s consumers’ appetite for the World Wide Web (and all entities either connected to it or surrounding it), there has never been a better time to utilize this raft of information for your advantage.


Remove Your Rose Tinted Glasses: Data Visualizations Designed to Mislead

Misleading data visualizations blog post by datapine

Nobody likes feeling manipulated in any way, shape, or form. But while that may be the case, people are duped by data visualizations every day. 

From political issues to sports statistics and the recent report you received on the ROI of your company blog, the internet as well as informational reports are flooded with examples of misleading data visualization.

Bad data visualizations come in many forms, with some more obvious than others. But, by knowing what to look for, you can avoid connecting with metrics that will lead your organization down the wrong path.


How Can Smart Data Discovery Tools Generate Business Value?

Data discovery tools by datapine

We live in a time where data is all around us. In the digital age, those who can squeeze every single drop of value from the wealth of data available at their fingertips, discovering fresh insights that foster growth and evolution, will always win on the commercial battlefield.

Studies suggest that 79% of enterprise executives believe that companies that do not leverage big data in the right way will lose their competitive position and could ultimately face extinction. Moreover, 83% of executives have pursued big data projects to gain a competitive edge. Without a doubt, the best way to drive maximum value from the metrics, insights, and information is through something called data discovery.