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Order Management System Tweaks That Can Save Your Budget

Order management tweaks blog post by datapine

Like mitochondria and the cell, the order management system is the powerhouse of the warehouse. It ensures everything flows correctly and effectively, minimizing issues and impacting the budget. Using your order tools to their fullest improves order operations and creates plenty of ways you can reduce expenses or eliminate costs. It’s all about learning the tool and seeing what’s available.

To help you reach that robust state, let’s look at a few top order management system tweaks designed to improve success rates and reduce error rates, which can save you significantly.


Your Definitive Guide To Building Valuable Narratives Through Data Storytelling

An introduction to data storytelling by datapine

Stories inspire, engage, and have the unique ability to transform statistical information into a compelling narrative that can significantly enhance business success.

By gaining centralized access to company data and presenting it in a visual way that follows a logical path and provides invaluable insights on a particular area or subject, you stand to set yourself apart from your competitors and become a leader in your field.


A Complete Guide To Driving Digital Transformation In Marketing

A guide to driving digital transformation in marketing blog post by datapine

Digital transformation is a broad term that is difficult to define precisely. Think of digital transformation as a way to future-proof a business. But, you can consider it a change in the business activities to prioritize your business’s digital presence. Various industries and departments use this phrase in different ways.

For instance, when it comes to Human Resources, a digital transformation entails streamlining operations and digitizing personnel data. An accounting department may consider leveraging electronic contracts, data collecting, and reporting as a part of the digital transition.

Here, you can take a quick look at how the world is going digital, meaning, a high scope for your business if you are looking for a digital transformation.


Take Advantage Of Professional CTO Dashboards & Reports

CTO reports and dashboards by datapine

A chief technology officer (also referred to as chief technical officer or chief technologist), has an immense responsibility to drive an organization forward and lead the technological advancements, research, development, and management in order to generate business value and increase the return on investment (ROI).

To successfully gain control and improve a company’s technological needs, CTO dashboards and reports are needed as invaluable tools that consolidate multiple data points and support technology officers in strategic developments as well as online data analysis efforts, empowering their status of champions for new solutions. A crucial position within the c-suite of a company as the highest technology executive position, CTOs need to align technology-related decisions with the company’s goals. Oftentimes, this task is not easy but mixed with both business and technical or IT challenges that require the usage of modern CTO reporting software and tools.


What Is The Difference Between Business Intelligence And Analytics?

Business Intelligence vs Analytics: there is a difference

If someone puts you on the spot, could you tell him/her what the difference between business intelligence and analytics is? If you feel a bit uncertain about the specifics here, you’re not alone, experts aren’t in agreement either! There is not a clear line between business intelligence and analytics, but they are extremely connected and interlaced in their approach towards resolving business issues, providing insights on past and present data, and defining future decisions. While some experts try to underline that BA focuses, also, on predictive modeling and advanced statistics to evaluate what will happen in the future, BI is more focused on the present moment of data, making the decision based on current insights. But let’s see in more detail what experts say and how can we connect and differentiate the both.

We already saw earlier this year the benefits of Business Intelligence and Business Analytics. Let’s dig deeper now and figure out what this is all about, what makes them different, and how they are complementary to each other.