The datapine Blog
News, Insights and Advice for Getting your Data in Shape

Blog Posts by author: Hazel Raoult

5 Best Practices to Boost Your Sales Strategy With Data

Best practices to boost your sales strategy with data blog post by datapine

Sales have always been considered an intuition-driven profession where sales reps intuitively approach and engage best-fit prospects. While this approach might have worked in the past, it can’t guarantee sales success in today’s hyper-competitive world.

No wonder, 61% of salespeople consider their job role more challenging than it was five years ago.

So, how can you approach the sales process to attain the best outcomes effortlessly?


A Complete Guide To Driving Digital Transformation In Marketing

A guide to driving digital transformation in marketing blog post by datapine

Digital transformation is a broad term that is difficult to define precisely. Think of digital transformation as a way to future-proof a business. But, you can consider it a change in the business activities to prioritize your business’s digital presence. Various industries and departments use this phrase in different ways.

For instance, when it comes to Human Resources, a digital transformation entails streamlining operations and digitizing personnel data. An accounting department may consider leveraging electronic contracts, data collecting, and reporting as a part of the digital transition.

Here, you can take a quick look at how the world is going digital, meaning, a high scope for your business if you are looking for a digital transformation.


Top 9 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) KPIs & Metrics You Must Track

Top SEO metrics to track blog post by datapine

Regardless of the type of website you back, your SEO efforts determine its success and performance. As a website owner, you might already be implementing several digital marketing and SEO strategies to drive performance through your website. However, very few know that an efficient way to do so is by tracking and managing the KPI metrics which would portray the SEO performance of your website. Even today, 15% of the searches on Google are new, giving companies plenty of opportunities to improve their rankings. 

With these things in mind, here are some of the most important SEO metrics and KPIs that you should track for your website: