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The Impact of Big Data on The Retail Sector: Examples And Use-Cases

Big data in retail is changing the rules of the game - don't miss out on its opportunities 

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” – Peter Sondergaard, Gartner

In today’s hyper-connected digital world, big data is everywhere. We all have a digital footprint and believe it or not, almost everything we do online can be analyzed, quantified and used to help track consumer trends, behaviours and insights that help brands reach out to us on an engaging, personal level.

That said, should you be a retailer and reading this: if you’re not at present, you need to start using big data to your advantage, by mastering and understand it namely thanks to a retail analytics software for instance. And to connect with your target audience with valuable, personalized content or deals tailored to their personal needs, you need big data.


An Introductory Guide to Hospital Analytics

Hospital Analytics guide to help your institution

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” Sherlock Holmes

The rise of data analytics has majorly changed the way we see the world. We no longer need to shoot in the dark to make informed decisions. The modern world comes available with a wealth of data, the kind that offers deeper insights than we could have possibly imagined even a decade ago. In fact, six million developers across the world are currently working on big data and advanced analytics. What’s more, by 2020, 1.7 megabytes of data will be created each second, for every person on earth.

Now, one of the fields that stands to benefit greatly from the adoption of data analytics is the healthcare sector – and we’re talking about hospitals in particular. Not only can the smart use of data make hospitals run more economically and efficiently, but it can also aid patient care and save lives. Before we delve any deeper, let’s consider something for a moment. …


How to Create a Data-Driven Content Marketing Strategy?

data-driven content marketingSource: Burst

As a content marketer, you’re probably reading posts by Content Marketing Institute, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Moz, and so on. So, why do you do so? The answer is simple – you want value and these sites can offer it to you.

On the other hand, this is something you need to provide your readers with, as well. Your content needs to high-quality, trustworthy, and authoritative. Most importantly, it should never, ever bore them. To create content that resonates well with your target audience, you need to build a data driven content marketing strategy.

In other words, you need to analyze the demands of your industry, keep track of the latest digital marketing trends, understand your readers’ preferences, and tailor your content according to these factors. No matter if you’re a newbie copywriter or an experienced content producer, here are a few techniques that will make your data work for you. …


Introduction To A/B Testing: Definition, Challenges, And Best Practices

colleagues working together at a desk

The utility of A/B testing tools to find content with the best conversion rates is well understood. Besides, the tools continue to mature, including A/B/X testing – the ability to test multiple combinations to determine the best mix. These tools also underscore additional potential for deeper analysis of site data using a data warehouse. Not always the first thought for digital marketing, but this partnership has the potential to supply analysis results that can be used across the company. …


The History of Business Intelligence: From The 19th Century To The Modern Day

Business Intelligence History: it already started in the 19th century

If you didn’t know any better, you would assume that business intelligence has only been around for the past 10 to 20 years or so. And you would be mostly right – at least in terms of non-technical, user-friendly, self-service business intelligence.

Along with the popularization of the personal computer, business intelligence has certainly seen an increase in use in the 21st century due to recent technological advances. However, there are also roots of business intelligence going all the way back to the 19th century.

In this post, we are going to examine the history of business intelligence through the 19th and 20th centuries, all the way up to present day. …