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Getting Started With Big Data Analytics & Business Intelligence For Small Business

business intelligence for small business

In the past, business intelligence was a privilege of large companies who could afford to maintain teams of IT specialists and data scientists. But in the last decade, as technology has developed rapidly, the software has become not only more lightweight and powerful but also more accessible. Small businesses can use the same tools as main market players and face their competitors. New self-service tools prove that business intelligence is no rocket science but rather a useful tool to help to turn data into informed decisions. Now every company can harness the power of modern BI software to raise their bottom line since business intelligence for small business has become accessible and affordable. But what exactly makes business intelligence indispensable?

To get started in this journey, it is essential to know that BI can be adapted to any business model or industry. We have seen in our other blog posts, on how to build a successful business intelligence strategy, or harnessing the power of financial reporting and analysis, how to leverage the power of a modern business dashboard and make the most out of your small business data analytics. A need for a large department gathering and analyzing all the data gathered, circling those data in different departments, and showing it to many stakeholders it’s a model of the past. In this digital age, accessing your data in almost real-time is of crucial importance if you want to stay on top of the market. That being said, a majority of reports and analysis needed to make quick, informed, detailed and robust decisions, can be accessed within few clicks, shared with a simple link, and analyzed via simple charts that can make business decision-making process and action time much faster.


Content Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Return on Investment

creative content marketing illustration

Content marketing is the technique companies use in marketing to create and distribute content that would attract clients to their business. It consists in creating and sharing online material such as articles, videos, tutorials, podcasts, etc, that provides their readers with valuable information while not promoting directly their products and services. Find hereafter some tips to set up effective content marketing strategies. …


MRR: What It Is, Why Your SaaS Needs It, And How To Calculate It

Monthly recurring revenue blog post by datapine

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the power plant of any SaaS business. It’s what drives its growth and makes it stick out among other business models.  In subscription-based SaaS businesses you don’t have to worry about one-off sales that may or may not return. If you keep your competitive edge, the revenue will automatically return every month. This and other advantages of the SaaS model make increasing number of companies turn to services built on shared online infrastructure. A Research and Reports study reveals that the SaaS-Based enterprise application software market is forecasted to grow at CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate, that tells you what an investment yields on an annually compounded basis) of +17% by 2023. Concerning the emerging SaaS industry, it is estimated to generate $55 billion in 2018, and to grow to $76 billion by 2020.

We’ve already published a blog post on the top 5 SaaS KPIs every successful SaaS company needs to track to monitor its progress. Today we will focus on the most important of them. It is the truest form of visualizing the subscription cash coming into your business from your customers. In today’s post, we will explain what exactly the monthly recurring revenue is, and what aspects must be included in its calculation. Subsequently, we will warn you against the most common mistakes and give you a few hints on what can be done to improve your numbers.


How to Create an Effective Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

How to create a data driven marketing strategy

“Marketers who want to stand the test of time must start harnessing data to drive real-time marketing strategies and influential consumer connections.” – Patrick Salyer

By the year 2020, experts predict that 1.7 megabytes of data will be created every second for every person on the planet. That’s a colossal volume of information. That said, if you’re looking to compete on today’s digital battlefield, taking a data-driven approach to your marketing strategy is no longer optional, it’s a necessity.


The Top 10 Website Metrics To Track For An Outstanding Website

The 10 Website Metrics You Need To Measure The Success of Your Website

Marketing is a highly data-driven department in the company. The digitization of everything made it even easier for marketers to understand consumer behavior, even if it comes with a price: data overload. Having a website online doesn’t mean increasing your visibility to a wider audience anymore; it means to learn who that audience is, their interests, how they behave, and take advantage of that knowledge to customize their experience as much as possible. Website traffic metrics help you measure nearly everything happening on your website, allowing you to adjust and optimize it to improve its performance. The best way to manage all this data efficiently is to use a dashboard software, that let explore, monitor and report your data easily without prior knowledge. You can build marketing dashboards in no time and share your insights with your team with a few clicks.

By tracking the right website metrics, you can assess and identify relevant patterns within your data. This is highly valuable because without measurement, marketing becomes a guessing game: how would you know the level of success (or failure) of your various campaigns, if you do not check the results? Web analytics metrics are critical when it comes to adjust and developing a solid marketing strategy. Let’s go over 10 important metrics you should track to ensure your website’s success.