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Getting Started With Incremental Sales – Best Practices & Examples

Incremental sales blog post by datapine

To ensure a sustainable level of commercial success in our cutthroat digital age, offering value, driving consumer loyalty, and consistently surpassing your targets are of the utmost importance.

A loyal, high-value repeat customer is worth more than a cheap sale, and by implementing the right strategy, setting the right goals, and working with the right KPIs, you will achieve the results you desire.

To win on today’s commercial battlefield, incremental sales are the name of the game. By taking a more strategic approach to your business’s profitability, you will stand a far greater chance of growing and evolving over time. 


Your Data Won’t Speak Unless You Ask It The Right Data Analysis Questions

Business man searching for the right data analysis questions

In our increasingly competitive digital age, setting the right data analysis and critical thinking questions is essential to the ongoing growth and evolution of your business. It is not only important to gather your business’s existing information but you should also consider how to prepare your data to extract the most valuable insights possible.

That said, with endless rafts of data to sift through, arranging your insights for success isn’t always a simple process. Organizations may spend millions of dollars on collecting and analyzing information with various data analysis tools, but many fall flat when it comes to actually using that data in actionable, profitable ways.


25 Dashboard Design Principles & Best Practices To Enhance Your Data Analysis

Dashboard design principles and best practices by datapine

The rise of innovative, interactive, data-driven dashboard tools has made creating effective dashboards swift, simple, and accessible to today’s forward-thinking businesses. Enter the world of dashboard design and its principles.

In the digital age, there’s little need for a department of IT technicians, plus a qualified graphic designer, to create a dazzling data dashboard. However, if you want to enjoy optimal success, gaining a firm grasp of logical judgment and strategic thinking is essential – especially regarding dashboard design principles.

At this point, you have already tackled the biggest chunk of the work – collecting data, cleaning it, consolidating different data sources, and creating a mix of useful metrics. Now, it’s time for the fun part.


Introduction To The Basic Business Intelligence Concepts

Learn the basic concepts of business intelligence blog post by datapine

In a world dominated by data, it’s more important than ever for businesses to understand how to extract every drop of value from the raft of digital insights available at their fingertips.

According to Better Buys, 85% of business leaders feel that using big data to their advantage will significantly improve the way they run their companies – and they’re not wrong.

By gaining the ability to understand which datasets are relevant to particular goals, strategies, and initiatives in your organization, you’ll be able to identify trends or patterns that will help you make significant improvements in several key areas within the organization. This concept is known as business intelligence.


A Guide To Starting A Career In Business Intelligence & The BI Skills You Need

The BI skills you need to start a career in business intelligence by datapine

Does data excite, inspire, or even amaze you?

Does the idea of discovering patterns in large volumes of information make you want to roll up your sleeves and get to work? Do you find computer science and its applications within the business world more than interesting? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider a career in business intelligence (BI).In the age of information, business information and intelligence, if utilized strategically, has the power to propel a business far above its competitors as well as exponentially boost brand awareness, internal engagement, organizational efficiency, and profitability. The BI industry is expected to soar to a value of $42.95 billion by 2028. Moreover, companies that use BI analytics are five times more likely to make swifter, more informed decisions.

Despite these findings, the undeniable value of intelligence for business, and the incredible demand for BI skills, 74% of IT decision-makers from Canada and the USA believe there is a shortage of BI-based data professionals according to a survey.

That’s where you come in.