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A Data-Driven Guide To Skyrocket Your Year Over Year Growth

YoY growth blog by datapine

Niche or industry aside, prompting consistent progress is essential to the ongoing success of your business. That’s where year over year (YoY) growth enters the mix.

YoY growth is an effective means of measuring your ongoing progress and making sure your business is moving in the right direction.

But, what is year over year growth, exactly? Here we’re going to look at the concept of YoY and consider how you can use this essential metric to your business-boosting advantage.


A Complete Guide To Spider Charts With Best Practices And Examples Of When To Use Them 

Spider charts blog post by datapine

If you are reading this blog post then you must be somewhat aware of the value of data visualization. Because they make complex data more accessible and understandable for a wide range of audiences, graphs and charts, permeate all areas of our lives with their multiple use cases in the news, media, politics, and business. 

At datapine, we are committed to providing a user-friendly space for our readers to learn and understand the value of data visualization. For that reason, we are putting together a series of blog posts that go through the most popular types of graphs and charts with their most common use cases, design best practices, and a list of examples for different industries and business functions. 

We already discussed bar charts, column charts, and area charts. Now, it is the turn of a complex yet visually engaging visual: spider charts. Keep reading to learn everything there is to know about this powerful graph and how it can help extract actionable insights from your most important data. 


A Beginners Guide To The Power Of Area Charts – See Examples, Types & Best Practices 

Area charts and graphs blog post by datapine

It is no secret that the human brain processes visual information way faster than text or numbers. In fact, a study by MIT researchers showed that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual and that humans can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds. 

That is why graphical representations of data have been so popular in the media, politics, research, and businesses for decades. They breach the knowledge gap by offering an accessible understanding of complex information that would otherwise be harder to grasp. 

That being said, despite the prevalence of graphs and charts, there is still a lack of knowledge about the roles and uses of each data visualization type we have available. To help eradicate that knowledge gap, at datapine, we are putting together a series of blog posts that do a deep dive into each type of graph and chart with their most common use cases and a list of examples and best practices. 


Your Complete Guide To Creating Professional TV Dashboards

TV dashboards blog post by datapine

In the Age of Information, data equals power. By harnessing the power of your business’s most valuable digital insights, you will enhance decision-making, improve internal communication, and accelerate your success.

But with so much information and such little time in the day, how do you get the most from your data? Data is most effective when it’s visual, easy to analyze, and accessible to everyone in the organization. A business intelligence dashboard coupled with a dynamic dashboard display will allow you to squeeze every last drop of value from the insights that matter most.


How to Extract Maximum Value of Your Customer Service Data with Professional Customer Service Reports

Customer service reports blog post by datapine

Customer service and experience count now more than ever before—no compromises, no exceptions. Brands that invest in building faultless experiences and offer exceptional standards of customer service (CS) will set themselves apart from their competitors while earning genuine consumer loyalty.

When it comes to CS, in particular, today’s digital consumer is very much in charge. Due to the hyperconnected, incredibly convenient, and instantaneous nature of the modern consumer world, as well as the number of touchpoints on offer, maintaining excellent levels of service by utilizing carefully selected customer service KPIs is the ultimate key to survival.

That said, if you’re able to answer customer queries quickly and effectively, you stand to increase your brand loyalty tenfold. To optimize your CS offerings, you need access to the right data, and this is where a customer service KPI report comes into play.