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The Power Of Real Time Analytics & Business Intelligence Explained

Real time analytics and real time business intelligence by datapine

As digital transformation evolves, and more businesses begin to harness the power of digital technologies, the rate at which we are creating data is rising by the second.

But, while data offers us invaluable insight in more ways than one, with so much to analyze and such little time, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand which metrics offer real value. As such, we have to find approaches to data analytics and business intelligence (BI). By utilizing professional online BI tools, half of the work is already done.


Make Sure You Know The Difference Between Strategic, Analytical, Operational And Tactical Dashboards

Dashboard types can help a business to quickly analyze data and provide cost-effective results

The secret is out and has been for a while: In order to remain competitive, businesses of all sizes, from startups to enterprises, need business intelligence (BI) and different types of dashboards.

Business intelligence has evolved into smart solutions that provide effective data management – from extracting, monitoring, analyzing, and deriving actionable insights needed to stay competitive on the market, to powerful visualizations created with a dashboard builder which enables business users to interact with data and drill into bits and pieces of information they might need, at any time, any place.


Understanding The Value Of Column Charts With Examples & Templates 

Column charts blog post by datapine

Data visualization has been a part of our lives for many many years now. Even if you don’t work with data in your day-to-day job, you have most likely encountered graphs and charts at some point in your life. This is because visual representations of data are everywhere, in the news, politics, the media, and advertising, among other areas. For that reason, it is important to know how to interpret graphs and charts and understand their uses in various contexts. 

To help you in that task, at datapine, we are putting together a series of blog posts that offer an in-depth look into different types of graphs and charts, teaching you when to use them through interactive examples. We already dived into professional gauge charts and bar charts, now it’s time to explore the power of column graphs. 


A Complete Guide To Bar Charts With Examples, Benefits, And Different Types 

A guide to professional bar charts blog post by datapine

In today’s fast-paced analytical landscape, data visualization has become one of the most powerful tools organizations can benefit from to be successful with their analytical efforts. By using different types of graphs and charts, businesses can make their data more understandable which also makes it easier to extract powerful insights from it. 

At datapine, we believe that in order to successfully utilize the various data visualizations we have available, it is necessary to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each graphic to make sure you are using them in the correct way. For that purpose, we are creating a series of blog posts that will take an in-depth look at the most common types of graphs and charts out there and explore their main uses through insightful business examples. We started this series with gauge charts, now it’s the turn of one of the most common charts: the bar chart.


Your Introduction To CFO Dashboards & Reports In The Digital Age

CFO dashboards and reports by datapine

As a chief financial officer (CFO), the weight of your company’s fiscal well-being most likely rests on your shoulders. That’s a lot of pressure, to say the least. Not only are you responsible for the ongoing financial strategy of your organization, but you’re probably expected to provide timely, accurate insights to a variety of stakeholders.

With so much responsibility and such little time, financial data analysis is no easy feat. But, while working efficiently with fiscal data was once a colossal challenge, we live in the digital age and have incredible solutions available to us.

CFO dashboards exist to enhance the strategic as well as the analytical efforts related to every financial aspect of your organization.