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Search Results for: kpi

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9 Call Center Metrics & KPIs You Need To Know For Excellent Customer Service

Call center agent sitting at his desk working with a smile

Data is crucial for successfully running an inbound call center. With so many calls coming in each and every day, it can be quite hard to know what’s going on without meaningful metrics. This makes choosing the right metrics very important, as when you choose to focus on a given call center KPI, you are implicitly saying that this metric represents an important reality in your business. And if you’re going to spend all of the effort to quantify and track that metric, you want to get a positive return on your investment. To consolidate all your data and make the most out of it, consider using a KPI software that will help you in the elaboration of various business dashboards. …


The Top 5 ecommerce KPIs & Metrics You Need To Know To Boost Your Business

Online shopping - from laptop to shopping cart

“What you measure usually gets paid attention to, and what you pay attention to, usually gets better.” — Seth Godin

We couldn’t put it any better than the Godfather of independent marketing – if you want certain aspects of your business to get better, you need to measure those aspects. On the surface, this seems like common sense. You might even roll your eyes a bit – of course you are measuring things in your business. You have metrics, you know how many email subscribers your ecommerce business has, and you know your revenue numbers…. Isn’t that enough? Well, the answer depends. We don’t want to preach to you – after all, you’re the one building your business, not us. And you’re the one who lives with the consequences of your decisions. All that we are suggesting is that if you have a few ecommerce Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that you pay a lot of attention to, you’re going to have an easier (and more likely) chance of fulfilling your business goals. While all companies share an overarching goal of increasing revenue and profits, there are many, many ways to accomplish these bottom line driven targets. …


7 Customer Metrics & KPIs To Track For Happier Clients & More Revenue

know your customer to maximize profits thanks to customer metrics

“Every company’s greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company.”  – Michael LeBoeuf.

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Whether you are B2B or B2C, fulfilling your customers’ wants, needs, and expectations on a consistent basis will make the difference between a rock solid company with an upward trajectory and yet another failed business. There are many, many books and resources devoted to how to improve your relationship with your customers. However, actually measuring your relationship with your customers isn’t talked about nearly as much. We decided that we needed to do something about that, because if you can measure your relationship with your customers, it’s much easier to improve it. Here at datapine, we pride ourselves on making data actionable and easy to understand. That is why in this article we are going to go into 7 customer KPIs related to your customers’ relationship with your business, helping you in the elaboration of your customized KPI dashboards. These customer metrics will improve your ability to serve your clients – but which ones should you choose?


Top 3 Facebook KPIs – Your Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads

According to the company’s data 1.59 billion people use Facebook monthly and over a billion daily. This means that over 65% of Facebook users log in everyday which makes the claims that the biggest social media platform is not cool anymore clearly exaggerated. With so many active users eager to reveal their interests, preferences, relationships, locations etc., Facebook simply begs to be used by marketers searching for potential clients. Today, if a brand wants to be taken seriously, it must take good care of its Facebook presence and advertising activities. Statistics show that Facebook’s advertising revenue is constantly growing and hit 4,299 million dollars in 2015 which constitutes an impressive leap from 1,798 million dollars only 2 years earlier. …


The Top 5 SaaS KPIs Every Successful SaaS Company Needs to Track

There’s so much data out there. This is especially the case if you work in a SaaS startup, and our goal here at datapine is to help you understand all of your data sources. For this reason, this post is dedicated to helping data-driven people lead their business. For the sake of clarity there’s a lot that might sound redundant to readers well versed in SaaS metrics, but we’ve done our best to create value for everyone in this spectrum.

To start, Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, is a popular way of accessing and paying for software. Instead of installing software on your own servers, SaaS companies enable you to rent software that’s hosted, this is typically the case for a monthly or yearly subscription fee. Like a gym membership, instead of spending a lump sum on buying a treadmill and a set of weights for your home, you could pay a much smaller fee to use the equipment at your local gym.