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Accomplish Agile Business Intelligence & Analytics For Your Business

5 Stages to implement an agile business intelligence strategy

When it comes to implementing and managing a successful BI strategy we have always proclaimed: start small, use the right BI tools, and involve your team. We know that the best approach is an iterative and flexible approach, no matter the size of your company, industry or simply a department. When encouraging these BI best practices what we are really doing is advocating for agile business intelligence and analytics.

That said, in this article, we will go through both agile analytics and BI starting from basic definitions, and continuing with methodologies, tips, and tricks to help you implement these processes and give you a clear overview of how to use them. In our opinion, both terms, agile BI and agile analytics, are interchangeable and mean the same. Therefore, we will walk you through this beginner’s guide on agile business intelligence and analytics to help you understand how they work and the methodology behind them. Without further ado, let’s begin.


Everything You Need To Know About Static, Dynamic & Real Time Reporting

Static vs dynamic reports by datapineIn the digital age, great businesses are founded on great insight — the data-driven kind. Without access to valuable business data, regardless of your niche and sector, you’ll merely be shooting in the dark when making key commercial decisions.

But data is only valuable if you know how to handle it effectively.

With so many digital insights available in our hyper-connected age of information, a  professional report tool is the most effective means of collecting, curating, organizing, and analyzing your most valuable business data.

To help you understand data-driven reporting and propel your business to the next level, we’re going to explore the difference between static reports and dynamic reports.


13 Analytics & Business Intelligence Examples Illustrating The Value of BI

Business intelligence examples by datapineDigital data, by its very nature, paints a clear, concise, and panoramic picture of a number of vital areas of business performance, offering a window of insight that often leads to creating an enhanced business intelligence strategy and, ultimately, an ongoing commercial success.

Business intelligence steps up into this process by creating a comprehensive perspective of data, enabling teams to generate actionable insights on their own. With the introduction of online BI, companies today have the chance to create additional value, and, ultimately, profit.

At its core, business intelligence (BI) encompasses the strategies and technologies used by companies for the detailed online data analysis of key business-based information. BI technologies offer historical, current, and predictive insights into various aspects of business operations, thus helping a company to make informed decisions on activities centered around finances, marketing, sales, competitor research, social outreach, internal processes and more.


Common Business Intelligence Challenges Facing Entrepreneurs

Top business intelligence challenges by datapine

“BI is about providing the right data at the right time to the right people so that they can take the right decisions” – Nic Smith

Data analytics isn’t just for the Big Guys anymore; it’s accessible to ventures, organizations, and businesses of all shapes, sizes, and sectors. The power of data analytics and business intelligence is universal.

In the Age of Information, forward-thinking organizations are reaching exciting new levels by leveraging the capabilities of innovative new business intelligence (BI) solutions. And the success stories are seemingly endless.

Armed with BI-based prowess, these organizations are a testament to the benefits of using online data analysis to enhance your organization’s processes and strategies. These benefits include cost efficiency, the optimization of inventory levels, the reduction of information waste, enhanced marketing communications, and better internal communication – among a host of other business-boosting improvements.

But while BI is a genuine driver of organizational success, getting it right comes with its fair share of roadblocks.

Here, we’re going to explore the dynamics of BI challenges and look at the top 10 business intelligence problems facing today’s entrepreneurs and company leaders. In doing so, we aim to give you an insight into what to look out for and how to tackle the core challenges of business intelligence, one initiative at a time.


How Restaurant Analytics Can Make Your Business More Profitable

Restaurant analytics by datapineThe restaurant industry is one of the most competitive sectors on the planet. Not only do we as a species need to eat and drink to survive; communal dining is an experience that people have cherished for centuries. And as we love to dine out whenever we can, there is a great deal of demand for restaurants in villages, towns, and cities across the planet.

But with such demand comes a significant level of saturation, which means that to thrive – or indeed survive – in the restaurant biz, getting ahead of the competition is essential.