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Top Business Intelligence Features To Boost Your Business Performance

Business intelligence software features blog by datapine

For a few years now, Business Intelligence (BI) has helped companies to collect, analyze, monitor, and present their data in an efficient way to extract actionable insights that will ensure sustainable growth. With this industry having its boom in the past decade, the offer of new solutions with diverse capabilities has grown exponentially making the market as competitive as ever.

In fact, it is expected that, by 2025, the BI market will grow to $33.3 billion, paired with the fact that 33% of large-sized businesses will practice decision intelligence by 2023. And not just that, with COVID-19 and remote work now being a permanent business practice, the need for more intuitive platforms that will facilitate teamwork across the board has become critical.


Top 18 Must-Read Data Science Books You Need On Your Desk

The top 18 data science books by datapine

“Big data is at the foundation of all the megatrends that are happening.” – Chris Lynch, big data expert

We live in a world saturated with data. At present, around 2.7 Zettabytes of data are floating around in our digital universe, just waiting to be analyzed and explored, according to AnalyticsWeek.

By gaining the ability to understand, quantify, and leverage the power of online data analysis to your advantage, you will gain a wealth of invaluable insights that will help your organization flourish.

The ever-evolving, ever-expanding discipline of data science is relevant to almost every sector or industry imaginable – on a global scale. By acquiring a deep working understanding of data science and its many business intelligence branches, you stand to gain an all-important competitive edge that will help to position your organization as a leader in its field. It is also wise to clearly make a difference between data science and data analytics in a business context so that the exploration of the fields brings extra value for interested parties.


Utilize The Effectiveness Of Professional Executive Dashboards & Reports

Executive dashboards and reports by datapine

In the digital age, brands, businesses, and organizations have a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips: a level of insight that, if harnessed the right way, has the power to offer a real competitive edge while sparking innovation, inspiration, and creating an ever-evolving, well-oiled commercial machine. Business executive dashboards and reporting make this level of competitive advantage possible and provide business-boosting benefits across the board. But how so?

We are indeed living in a time rich in invaluable digital data. By gaining the ability to gather, organize and analyze the metrics that are most important to your organization, you stand to make your empire more intelligent than ever before – and executive reporting and business dashboards will help you do just that.


Monthly Reports Templates & Examples To Monitor Business Performance

Monthly reports blog post by datapine

From startups to big enterprises, businesses are collecting more and more data every day and, it is no secret, that whoever is not taking advantage of it will simply stay behind. For decades now, companies have benefited from monthly reports to share the insights they extract from their data, their accomplishments, current tasks, and objectives, but mostly to keep every relevant stakeholder invested and informed, as this is a key requirement to succeed in today’s crowded and fast-paced world. 

While traditional reports often include a summary, body, and conclusion in a written format, this post will focus on interactive monthly reports examples created with a professional dashboard creator. Powered by intuitive data visualizations, these kinds of modern reports assist managers and team members in managing their information in the most efficient and effective way possible while enhancing collaboration and healthy business growth. 


37 Sales Reports Examples You Can Use For Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Reports

Daily, weekly, and monthly sales reports and KPIs examples for your business by datapine

Using a daily, weekly, and monthly sales report with your team may be the single most powerful action you can take to increase your team’s performance and generate powerful sales results. Modern sales analysis reports provide managers and sales representatives with a detailed overview of all relevant sales processes in order to optimize performance and ensure healthy business growth. Sales reporting has never been easier thanks to the rise of modern sales reporting software that facilitates businesses’ lives by providing interactive reports in the shape of professional dashboards that are easy to create and understand for everyone with no need for any technical skills.

To help you in your processes, this blog post will focus on sales data analysis through the power of reports and present to you: the definition and examples of daily, weekly, and monthly sales reports. Additionally, we will discuss exactly how to report sales, the purpose, and the creation process so that you find out what’s the story behind each report and use them as templates or inspiration to generate your own.