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Take Advantage Of The Best Interactive & Effective Data Visualization Examples

The best data visualization examples blog post by datapine

Data is the new oil? No, data is the new soil.” – David McCandless

Humans are visual creatures. A visual is processed 60,000 times faster than any text, and studies show that 65% of the population comprises visual learners. Moreover, 90% of the information transferred to the brain is visual.

Marrying digestible text with striking visuals provides the greatest results regarding the effective presentation of data, making it easy for audiences to understand and retain data. This very notion is the core of visualization.

Recently, data visualization specialists have married information to high aesthetics, taking advantage of humans’ natural affinity for beauty. When choosing the right data visualization type, the most important element to consider is if you’re offering people the opportunity to see insights they haven’t seen or experienced before and wouldn’t otherwise be able to decipher in written text alone.


Your Definitive Guide To Modern & Professional Procurement Reports

A guide to procurement reports by datapine

Innovation, branding, and business model aside, if your company is rife with inefficiencies and led by poor decision-making, your growth potential will become stunted. Whatever sector or industry you are in, procuring goods and services both efficiently and strategically will accelerate your success. Effective procurement analytics will save you time and money while making your organization more productive and sustainable.

If your procurement process costs you valuable time and incurs unnecessary costs, you may fall behind your competitors.

However, we live in a digital age where statistics, data, and deep-dive insights reign supreme, giving us the power to spot potential issues and inefficiencies within the business. Thanks to the right KPI software, it is much easier to identify trends and set goals to increase productivity, drive growth, and boost profits.


How To Present Your Market Research Results And Reports In An Efficient Way

Market research reports blog by datapine

Market research analyses are the go-to solution for many professionals, and for good reason: they save time, offer fresh insights, and provide clarity on your business. In turn, market research reports will help you to refine and polish your strategy. Plus, a well-crafted report will give your work more credibility while adding weight to any marketing recommendations you offer a client or executive.

But, while this is the case, today’s business world still lacks a way to present market-based research results efficiently. The static, antiquated nature of PowerPoint makes it a bad choice for presenting research discoveries, yet it is still widely used to present results. 


What Is Ad Hoc Reporting? Your Guide To Definition, Meaning, Examples & Benefits

The essential guide to Ad Hoc Reporting by datapine

Digital data is all around us. In fact, we create around 2.5 quintillion bytes of it every single day, with 90% of the world’s digital insights generated in the last two years alone, according to Forbes.

If utilized correctly, data offers a wealth of opportunity to individuals and companies looking to improve their business intelligence, operational efficiency, profitability, and growth over time. In this day and age, a failure to leverage digital data to your advantage could prove disastrous to your business – it’s akin to walking down a busy street wearing a blindfold.


Modern CEO Dashboards & Leadership Reports – Examples And Templates

CEO dashboards by datapine

For any business to succeed in the digital age, it needs purpose, direction, and the resources to grow as well as adapt to the ever-changing landscape surrounding it. To achieve this, strong leadership is essential.

As a CEO, you’re responsible for overseeing every aspect of your business, from the people and the internal culture all the way through to key sales, marketing, and financial strategies. While your organization is no doubt brimming with the kind of talent that can drive every aspect of your organization forward, ultimately, the success of the company rests on your shoulders.