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Search Results for: kpi

Found 148 search results for kpi (this is page 30 of 30).

How to Create a Beneficial Dashboard Culture in Your Company

Let’s compare the data you gather every day in your company to a smartphone. What makes a smartphone awesome is its connection to the Internet. Without it you wouldn’t be able to use it to find information, check the news, choose the shortest route, write e-mails or use applications – you wouldn’t be able to plan your day or even decide on what to do next. To make the best of your data you must put it in context and connect it to other data. Otherwise, it’s like a smartphone without an Internet connection – you can still use it but it won’t give you all the benefits and wouldn’t really make sense. When you fail to communicate data from different sources across the organization and you don’t convey the data in a contextualized and meaningful way, it becomes worthless. To squeeze the value out of data, you must communicate it and in order to communicate it, you must visualize it. In other words, you need corporate dashboards. Once you realize the importance of dashboards they will become the focus of your corporate culture.


2014 Q1-Q4 Funding Analysis of the Berlin Startup Scene

2014 was a killer year for the Berlin startup scene. According to the New York Times (who also sourced their data from CB Insights) Berlin tech startups raised a combined $1.1 billion in 2014, a 140% increase compared with 2013. Berlin also saw 24 acquisitions and two of the largest European IPO’s, Zalando and Rocket Internet.

If you have been following us this year, you know that we have published analyses for Q1 / Q2, and Q3. During our research we relied heavily on CB Insights, Crunchbase, and local news sources including Venture Village and Gruenderszene. While preparing our 2014 Berlin Startup Funding Analysis, we found a few startups that raised money that were not previously included, and several Q3 deals were announced after publication. If you compare the below data with our previous reports, you will see a small discrepancy in the numbers since the new information is included in the following charts. If you notice any items that we have overlooked, please email to and we will be happy to look into it.

All data was analyzed and visualized with our data visualization and dashboard software.

Let’s break down where the $1.1 billion went in 2014: …


Trying to Raise a Round? Business Intelligence for Investment Management

Congratulations! You’ve launched your minimum viable product (MVP), are steadily gaining traction, and now it is time for the next step: investment. While raising funds is vastly different in Europe, where our company, datapine, is based, compared to the US (seriously, read this spot on comparison) one thing investors worldwide can agree on is that investment likelihood comes down to your team, your product, and your numbers.

Christoph Gerlinger of German Startups Group elaborates: “Usually you know early on if a team has what it takes and if the business model has a future, but to make any critical investment decision – it comes down to the numbers. Financial, user acquisition, sales, and marketing KPIs have to be meticulously tracked and presented in a way that proves growth and makes sense.”

Having judged pitch competitions all over the world, I can say with assurance that, even if startups have their numbers together, the winners were those teams that presented their critical metrics in an easy-to-understand, sensible format. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to business intelligence for investment management. …