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Search Results for: kpi

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How To Create Data Reports That Will Skyrocket Your Business Performance

How to create data reports by datapine.

While they have always played a pivotal role in business success, the terms ‘data report’ or ‘business report’ haven’t exactly been synonymous with creativity or innovation. Data reporting and analysis is often seen as a necessary evil created by analysts and consultants to offer functional operational insights. 

As such, the term usually conjures up images of static PDFs, old-school PowerPoint slides, and big tables. Usually created with past data without any room for generating real-time or predictive insights, static reports were deemed obsolete, consisting of numerous external and internal files, without proper information management processes at hand.

But in the digital age, it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, the business intelligence industry has evolved enormously over the past decade, and data analytics reports are riding the crest of this incredible technological wave.


Best Dashboard Ideas & Design Examples To Boost Your Business

26 dashboard design ideas by datapine

We’re living in an age where we can dig deep into data and uncover a level of intelligence that inspires innovation, progress, and growth.

Great dashboards will give you the power to monitor, visualize and analyze relevant data gives today’s businesses across sectors the power to understand their prospects, make informed decisions, increase efficiencies, and work towards a set of rewarding long-term goals.

With so much data available to today’s brands, extracting every last drop of value from an ever-growing raft of digital insights while setting a raft of business-boosting metrics commands an easy-to-use, eye-grabbing digital dashboard.


Master Your Analytics Challenges With Professional White Label & Embedded BI Technologies

A guite to white label BI and embedded analytics by datapine

In the modern world of business, data holds the key to success. A recent study by Experian, shows that 84% of surveyed businesses said that there has been more demand for data insights within the company since COVID-19. That said, data and analytics are only valuable if you know how to use them to your advantage. Poor-quality data or the mishandling of data can leave businesses at risk of monumental failure. In fact, poor data quality management currently costs businesses a combined total of $9.7 million per year.

That said, to efficiently harness the insights readily available at their fingertips and convert them into initiatives that set them apart from their competitors, companies must leverage superior analytical tools, resources, and platforms. Enter embedded analytics and white label business intelligence.


How Recruitment Metrics & Dashboards Can Help Improve Hiring New Candidates

Recruitment metrics and dashboards by datapine

To compete, evolve, and remain relevant, today’s most forward-thinking businesses prioritize the continual improvement of their internal processes while measuring their success with pinpoint accuracy – and hiring talent is no exception.

There may be many talented job-seekers out there, but connecting with the best possible candidates for any role in your organization can seem like an uphill struggle. Not only is it important to source the right people for your company, but it’s also essential for your new recruits to fit into your internal culture, remaining motivated, happy, and engaged at all times. That’s where recruitment KPIs come in.


SaaS Dashboard & Metrics Examples For Modern Business Management Practices

SaaS dashboard by datapine

In the Age of Information, digital technologies have evolved to such an extent that a wealth of tools, applications, and platforms exists to enhance the way businesses operate in a number of areas.

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) has blossomed in the last five years, and the public SaaS market is expected to grow exponentially this year and beyond.

There’s no doubt that the SaaS market has a bright and prosperous future, but with fresh innovations emerging all the time, the competition has never been more fierce.