Jeremy Renner Reveals He Broke 30+ Bones In Snowplow Accident, Shares New Photo

Film and TV actor Jeremy Renner was seriously injured near his home in Nevada on New Year’s Day in a horrible snowplow accident when he was run over by his own 7-ton plow. The actor has now confirmed that he broke more than 30 bones in the accident.

Posting on Instagram, Renner shared a photo of himself rehabbing from his numerous injuries. He said his morning workouts and resolutions for 2023 are changed this year due to the accident, and he thanked fans for their thoughts and well-wishes as he recovers.

“Morning workouts, resolutions all changed this particular new years …. Spawned from tragedy for my entire family, and quickly focused into uniting actionable love ❤️ I want to thank EVERYONE for their messages and thoughtfulness for my family and I …. Much love and appreciation to you all,” Renner said. “These 30 plus broken bones will mend , grow stronger, just like the love and bond with family and friends deepens . Love and blessings to you all.”

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